PAP Conference Lahore 6th to 8th November 2015

PSCP Guidelines For Presentations in

PAP Conference Lahore 6th to 8th November 2015


Prof (Brig) Aamir Ijaz, AFIP Rawalpindi

Prof Asim Mumtaz, Central Park Medical College Lahore

Preamble:Many of the trainees are presenting their papers in the PAP Conference for the first or second time. They may be a little bit confused about the pattern of presentations. A competition for three best presentations may also be in mind. So we found it appropriate to provide some guidelines for our trainees and junior consultants. These Guidelines are just suggestions and by no means compulsion. You may deviate from these Guidelines and produce wonderful presentation!


  1. Following are the suggested sections of the PowerPoint:
    1. Title
    2. Co-authors (may include acknowledgements)
    3. Introduction (6-7 slides) (references in footnotes)
    4. Rationale
    5. Our Study (Title Slide)
    6. Objective
    7. Methods and Material (3-4 slides)
    8. Data Analysis(1-2 slides maximum)
    9. Results (3-4 slides with tables and graphs)
    10. Comparison with previous studies (references in footnotes)
    11. Conclusion
    12. Take home message /recommendation (Optional)


  1. Common Pitfalls: Please try to avoid following:
    1. Crowded slides: Just 4-5 lines in one slide
    2. Numerous words per line:Not more than 6-8
    3. Non-Contrasting colours: Use contrast background. Black and white or yellow and black etc. Multiple colored fonts must be avoided.
    4. Red and blue colours. They may deceive you on the big day because of poor light source of the projector.
    5. Unnecessary Animations: They distract the audience and disliked by them. You may animate a text or chart if you think it will increase the impact.
    6. Unrelated Pictures:g. pictures of Barbies, emicons or pets etc.
  1. Verbal Aspects: Some important aspects are listed below:
    1. Restrict to the allocated time.
  • Scientific Session: 8-10 min
  • Plenary Session: 15-20 min

Any extra minute will lose your credibility and marks. Although you may be speaking like an Einstein, no body will listen to you after the chairperson has declared that your time is over by ringing the first bell at 8 min. Second bell rings at 10 min. The competition judges also note‘for whom the bell tolls’. So finish before the first bell.

  1. Don’t read from the laptop: Do a lot of rehearsal. First before the mirror, then get hold of your spouse until he/she remembers it, too!!
  2. Eye to eye contact with the audience:You should be talking to the audience and not to the laptop or screen.
  3. Use Pointer: It’s a good invention; use it for charts or images. Please don`t damage others eyes by letting it loose.
  1. We have also enclosed criteria for the selection of ‘Best Presentations’. Please read them carefully.
  2. We wish allour trainee presenters for an award winning presentation.
  1. Poster Presentation: Posters are internationally accepted method of presentation. It is also a very important milestone in your CVs. So please don’t stigmatize it. Following are some tips to make an effective poster:
    1. Make PowerPoint slides as per Guidelines given above for oral presentations.
    2. Send this presentation to a vendor who makes good flex-banners.
    3. Size of the flex should be 4 ft x 2 ft.
    4. Don’t forget to bring this flex on the day of conference!
    5. Find the venue for poster exhibition and paste your flex in the space allocated for PSCP space.
    6. People will be available in the venue to help you post your flex there.
    7. A competition for best posters will also be conducted.
    8. In some institutes, cost of the poster is reimbursed along with prize money for the winners (e.g. AFIP).

PAP Conference Lahore 6th to 8th November 2015

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